Want Your Video to Stand Out? Ask the Right Question

There's one important question you need to ask when you're hiring a video agency.

Let Me Tell You a Story

I was in New York on a new client pitch for a Fortune 500. It was me and Jessica, talking with a Sr. VP of Product & Sales and the marketing team about their new brand video. The pitch felt great. Then at the end of it, the Sr. VP looked me right in the eye and asked:

"Tell me, who exactly would we be working with day to day at your firm?"

I didn't hesitate.

"You get me."

He got up, so I did too. I went to shake his hand and say thanks for the meeting. He beat me to it, smiling: "You're hired".

He elaborated: "The deal-maker was your personal involvement. This video means a lot to our brand, so we needed your best. You'd be surprised how many video agencies don't work like that."

So began one of the most amazing client relationships I've ever had. I learned so much. We've made fantastic work together, winning tons of awards but most importantly growing the brand significantly.

At First, I Really Didn't Understand

At first, I really didn't understand what a big deal accountability and personal involvement was. To me, if a client pays you then you owe them your best. Besides, I started this video agency because I love telling clients' stories. I look at my job like Steven Spielberg or another big Hollywood director or producer does. I take it seriously. I give it my heart. I'm there on set, directing the action. I also write or help write most of our videos and lead the team in post-production. You get my best and my team's best, every time and every step of the way.

We're the real deal, and I thought everybody else worked this way too.

But Then I Looked Around

And started really paying attention to some of our competitors. The truth is, most of these video agencies don't actually make videos. They sort of act like glorified employment agencies, matching freelancers with client jobs.

At best, they do some planning and pre-production, but then bring in freelancers to make the videos. Leaving you at least one step removed from the actual creators.

And these freelancers? They are not paid very well.

Stories Are Powerful

Another client and friend for whom I've directed several commercials once told me: "Stories are powerful. A great story, well-told, can change the world".

As a brand, why wouldn't you want your video to be the best it can be? Why would you put your brand's reputation into an assembly line environment where there's no accountability and a wall between you and the people actually making your video?

It's a recipe for mediocre storytelling. At best.

My New York Fortune 500 client understood this, and he opened my eyes to one of my superpowers.

So if you truly get the power of a story well-told, if you understand how powerful visual communication can be, and if your video needs to stand out?

Well then, we're your huckleberry.

Hiring a video production company?

Patrick makes videos for big brands you know and brands you'll know soon. He also produces feature films and animated specials.